Fashionchevron_rightフランス発のブランド「Drôle de Monsieur」(ドロール・ド・ムッシュ)

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フランス発のブランド「Drôle de Monsieur」(ドロール・ド・ムッシュ)

By the editors of TECHNÉ, posted at 09:40 PM on June 13, 2016

CLUEL hommeの2016年7月号に、フランス発のブランド「Drôle de Monsieur」(ドロール・ド・ムッシュ)が紹介されています。

“NOT FROM PARIS MADAME”のスウェットは人気アイテムとなっています。

Be on time. 09.21.14 at 1AM CEST #NotFromParisMadame #NFPM

DRÔLE DE MONSIEURさん(@droledemonsieur)が投稿した写真 -

Tomorrow - 12 o'clock #restock online

DRÔLE DE MONSIEURさん(@droledemonsieur)が投稿した写真 -

May 2015 Drôle de Monsieur is based in France and was created in 2014 by two friends with the will to create in a modern and minimalist perspective. These two are not designers, they are not from the fashion world and they do not live in the "Big Four".Their outsider's state is considered as a strength, assumed through the motto “Not from Paris madame”.Behind it lays the desire to spread a message: “Whoever you are, wherever you come from and wherever you live, you can be what you aspire to be, whatever was your destiny”. Both captivated by design in its various forms, Drôle de Monsieur is a common agreement, to get out of the traditional and conventional framework in order to provide a modern vision of aesthetics through ready-to-wear. But also to share products combining simplicity, timelessness and efficiency. #droledemonsieur #notfromparismadame #nfpm

DRÔLE DE MONSIEURさん(@droledemonsieur)が投稿した写真 -

Drôle de Monsieur

Version 3.0